“We are delighted to confirm that Taylor Swifthas donated to our food poverty services following her incredible concerts in Dublin. thank you”— CrossCare #TaylorSwift #Dublin

Taylor Swift Donates to Dublin Food Charity, Crosscare
Taylor Swift has donated to a Dublin food charity, Crosscare, following her sold-out concerts in Dublin last month ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵. The exact amount of the donation has not been disclosed, but the charity has confirmed that the funds will go toward helping hundreds of families who struggle to provide food for their children ¹ ².
Here are some key points about Crosscare and their mission:
– Crosscare is a Dublin-based charity that provides food hampers to those in need ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵.
– They also offer low-cost nutritious meals every week in their Portland Row café in Dublin ¹ ².
– In 2023, the café served over 6,000 meals between breakfasts, lunches, and takeaways ¹ ².
– Crosscare supported almost 800 families, including over 1500 children, and distributed over 2,000 food hampers last year ¹ ².
Taylor Swift’s donation will enhance Crosscare’s ability to assist even more families in need in the coming months ¹ ². Her generosity has been recognized by the charity, with manager Paula Harris stating that the entire organization is “absolutely thrilled” to hear the news ³.